Acupuncture — fad or fabulous? If you’ve been looking into acupuncture for anxiety, here’s everything you need to know. Here’s what the science about it says.
When anxiety stops you from living your life like you used to, it's time to get help. Learn more about what debilitating anxiety looks like and how to treat it.
Depression is a mood disorder that affects millions of people in the U.S. every year. But is there a cure for depression? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.
Anxiety can be accompanied by a whole range of physical symptoms, but what about headaches? Can anxiety cause headaches? Here’s what the experts say about it.
Hypothyroidism can cause many symptoms, and you may wonder if anxiety is one of them. Learn more about the connections between these two conditions.
With new types of therapy hitting mainstream these days, you may have heard about something called a mental health gym. What, exactly, are mental health gyms?
Driving is a lot of responsibility, and isn’t exactly easy. If you’re driving with anxiety, don’t be hard on yourself. Here’s what you can do to overcome it.
Understanding how to choose a psychiatrist is the first of many steps in your journey to proper mental health treatment. Here’s how to make the right choice.
The anniversary of the loss of a loved one can be difficult. But planning and finding support can help. Learn more tips for coping with a death anniversary.
If your doctor prescribes Cymbalta for depression, you probably want to know how well it will work. Our guide to Cymbalta effectiveness covers this and m
Is depression a choice? Ask that question to anyone struggling with it, and they’ll tell you — it definitively isn’t. Some people can’t choose to “be happier.”
Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine that is used to treat some allergic reactions. But what about hydroxyzine for anxiety? Sounds farfetched, but it may be useful.