If you’re experiencing mood swings that are negatively affecting your relationship. Here is a list of things you can do deal with mood swings in a relationship.
Pets are great companions for decreasing stress, keeping you healthy, and providing unconditional love, and they may very well help you deal with anxiety, too.
While it may not seem like a big deal to consume alcohol while taking sertraline, there are certain things you should be aware of.
Mood stabilizers are of the pharmacological variety — yet are there more natural mood stabilizers that work for depression and anxiety? Read on to find out.
Fear of confrontation can cause us to make a minor issue into a difficult confrontation because of false assumptions. Here is how to overcome the fear.
Anxiety might help you perform better, be more alert and attentive, and succeed in life. Read on to learn more about possible benefits of anxiety.
People with curly hair have extra hassles to keep it looking beautiful. Here are things you should look for when it comes to picking the right conditioner.
A mental health trigger doesn’t necessarily affect everyone in the same way. To understand and control your triggers is a process. Let’s dig in.
When emotional eating gets out of control, it can affect your health. It's possible to control emotional overeating with practice. Here is how.
There are many ways positive self-talk can be of great benefit to you and your anxious brain. Read on to find out how positive self-talk can help.
Less than 45% of women make it through life without losing some of their hair. Want to stop hair loss for women? Here is how.
Even for those who don’t suffer from anxiety, things like dating and love can be challenging. When you add anxiety on top of that, it can get even tougher.