Even for those who don’t suffer from anxiety, things like dating and love can be challenging. When you add anxiety on top of that, it can get even tougher.
Attachment in children can lead to issues as adults. Read on to find out more about this concept, along with how it can lead to anxious attachment in adults.
If you suffer from dry, frizzy hair, this is the conditioner guide for you. Read on to understand what causes dry hair, and what conditioner to use for it.
Tricyclic antidepressants, or TCAs, are a type of antidepressant.
We're sharing our ultimate guide to caring for long hair, but first, let's go over the basics of hair care and long hair.
Weighted blankets are a new version of old technology. However, there’s little evidence that it helps with mood disorder. Read on to find out more.
Yoga therapy can be used on its own or used as an adjunct therapy in conjunction with other forms of treatment. Read on to find out more yoga therapy benefits.
How do you know if you need therapy or just something that you can overcome on your own? Read on to find out the signs that are indicating you need therapy.
Mental illness in women during pregnancy is a serious issue. Read on to learn more about perinatal depression, and what you can do about it.
Agitated depression is a type of depression characterized by extreme anger, irritability and anxiety. Read on to learn more about agitated depression.
Postpartum rage is a less well-known version of postpartum depression for many mothers. Read on to learn more about it — as well as how to treat it.
There are many reasons to switching to a new mental health professional. Here are some best practices we recommend if you’re switching therapy providers.