Read on to learn what imposter syndrome is and some of the classic signs that you may notice if you’re affected.
A popular form of alternative therapy for anxiety is the use of Emotional Freedom Techniques — commonly referred to as EFT tapping.
Narrative therapy involves viewing your life events from a different perspective and deconstructing them, allowing you to see them in a more constructive way.
Setting boundaries helps you to maintain healthy social connections, which in turn gives you a sense of self-identity and personal agency.
If you’re just starting to dig into PTSD one phrase you’ll keep seeing pop up is “acute stress disorder.” But what is acute stress disorder vs. PTSD? Read on.
Here's how you can establish boundaries with your family and options if a family-related issue is having a serious negative effect on your mental health.
Emotional pain is a natural part of life. Read on to learn how to deal with emotional pain, and better yet — how to stop emotional pain when it happens.
The tired feeling is often referred to as emotional exhaustion, and it’s a common problem for people affected by immense stress. Read on to find out more.
If you’re experiencing mood swings that are negatively affecting your relationship. Here is a list of things you can do deal with mood swings in a relationship.
Pets are great companions for decreasing stress, keeping you healthy, and providing unconditional love, and they may very well help you deal with anxiety, too.
Mood stabilizers are of the pharmacological variety — yet are there more natural mood stabilizers that work for depression and anxiety? Read on to find out.
Fear of confrontation can cause us to make a minor issue into a difficult confrontation because of false assumptions. Here is how to overcome the fear.