Read for what sunlight lamps are and how they may work to treat forms of depression. Also, other depression treatment options that you may want to consider.
If you’ve been diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder or are the loving friend or family member of someone who has, here are some important things to know.
We’ve explained whether Effexor can cause weight gain, appetite changes or other changes in your eating habits. But first, let's dive into how Effexor works.
Read on if you want to learn how to tell someone you’re depressed and simple tips to help you make what’s often a difficult conversation easier.
CBT for anxiety is effective, but there are several things you should know before using this type of therapy to treat your anxiety.
According to the American Psychological Association, free floating anxiety is a diffuse, non-specific sense of unease that is chronic and has no obvious source.
Narrative therapy involves viewing your life events from a different perspective and deconstructing them, allowing you to see them in a more constructive way.
Setting boundaries helps you to maintain healthy social connections, which in turn gives you a sense of self-identity and personal agency.
Birthday depression, or birthday blues, is a common issue in which you might feel sad and uninterested in your usual activities during your birthday.
What is acute stress disorder? How does it differ from PTSD? Are there any telltale signs or markers to look out for? Read on to find out.
Paralyzing anxiety’s negative impacts are part of our instincts. Read on to learn more about how to manage and controll your paralyzing anxiety.
Dealing with feelings of hopelessness can be difficult, but there are ways to improve your thoughts and feelings when you’re feeling hopeless about life.